Lyrics That Contains Maybe Someday Well Be Togeher Again

Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover

Publication Engagement:

March 18th, 2014
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Pages: 384
Source: Purchased
Rating: 5/five
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Sydney is living in an idyllic bubble - she'southward a dedicated student with a steady task on the side. She lives with her best friend, has a great boyfriend, and the music coming from the balcony opposite hers is fast becoming the soundtrack to her life. Only when Sydney finds out her beau is adulterous on her, the bubble bursts. The mysterious and attractive man behind the music, Ridge, gives Sydney hope that she can move on and they begin to write songs together. Simply moving on is harder than she expects, Sydney tin can only hope…. Possibly someday… Colleen Hoover draws you in to this passionate tale of music, dear and expose…
Contains exclusive content: Songs from Griffin Peterson

This was just such a unique reading feel. I'm a massive fan of Hoover. So of grade I was across excited for her new book. Than I detect out that the volume comes with exclusive songs written for specific scenes in the volume. And guys, it is imperative that you listen to the songs every bit you're reading the lyrics. Not only are the songs beautiful, but information technology just makes your reading feel more emotional and kind of personal. I literally felt like I was sitting on the bed with Ridge and Sydney as they wrote and performed the song. And that terminal song(I don't want to spoil anything), guys, my heart. If my robot middle feels the feels than you know the author did their chore.

There is a lot more to Mayhap Someday than the book blurb gives you. I patently can't really become into specifics without spoiling the story. Simply it's non simply well-nigh a heartbroken girl who's just trying to find herself.
Sydney thinks she's living the platonic life, finishing off her schooling in musical education and in dearest with her swain of two years. She spends every night out on her balcony listening to the guy beyond from her play some of the nearly beautiful music. She's obsessed. She even starts to make upwardly her own lyrics to the songs.
Ridge, the guy playing the music, he's having a nasty case of writer's block. He'due south been noticing the daughter across the way every night coming out to listen to him, but than he also starts to detect she's singing along. He wants to know the lyrics she'south come up with. So they beginning texting, she sends him the lyrics(subsequently a scrap of convincing on Ridge'due south part). He's admittedly thrown by how fantastic the lyrics are and wants to use them for this vocal for his band. Then they decide to meet upwardly at what she thinks is going to be her surprise birthday party. But Ridge has been noticing some sketchy stuff going on between Sydney's roomie and beau. And he doesn't know if he should tell her that her beau is cheating on her or not. They plain don't know each other, so how practise you lot start a conversation similar that? But he does the right thing and tells Sydney. And this is where her world falls autonomously. With nowhere to go Ridge offers her a identify to stay(with him). This is where the story really takes off. You learn something about Ridge and my emotions take over.

I found Maybe Anytime a picayune more profound than Hoover'south other books. She explores the dynamics of relationships and dearest in a really idea provoking way. Sydney'southward just had her middle cleaved and she'due south wondering how she can e'er trust everyone(she just lost her boyfriend and all-time friend) over again. Than Ridge enters her life and they connect on a whole new level. The music brings them together at starting time. They spend a lot of time together writing and composing songs. Information technology's a very intimate experience. So of course attraction starts to abound. But y'all meet Ridge has a serious girlfriend. She doesn't live close past, so she's not in the picture show a lot to begin with. And this is where I call up Hoover did a fantastic task and made this story more than just about adulterous and betrayal. She made it about how something so innocent as dearest tin take on a million different meanings in totally dissimilar situations and relationships. And about all the different dynamics of a relationship. How y'all tin can dear different people so differently. Or how loving two people tin still feel and so right. Of grade in the end in that location is ultimately that ane person that is a better match for you. But information technology doesn't mean y'all tin can't honey both of them.

Hoover even explores the possibility of soul mates. Anybody has their own opinion on the topic. Merely what if y'all were with who you thought you were meant to exist with and than y'all encounter somebody else that just totally throws what yous thought was right out the window. Ridge and Sydney'southward connection is instant. They may never really human action on it because obviously Ridge is in relationship. But the emotions and feelings definitely escalate as the weeks go on.  The affair is that they could be themselves effectually each other. Their true selves. Ridge told Sydney things he's never told anyone before. It was obvious that Sydney was putting on a bit of different persona with her ex-boyfriend. She was being who she thought she should be to him. And the same was for Ridge. You could tell equally the story went on that aye he obviously loves Maggie(his girlfriend) a lot, but he was also interim a certain manner. A way he thought she needed him to act. Eventually all the interim is going to have its toll, whether on the person, the relationship or both.

Every bit characters, I loved both Ridge and Sydney. They were both strong and selfless people in different ways. I also dear how committed Ridge was to Maggie. Ridge and Sydney were just very good people. And yous were routing for them, fifty-fifty though information technology was a tricky state of affairs.
I also loved Warren. Ridge's best friend and roommate. He was kind of the comic relief. Simply likewise this very inappropriate still intelligent guy. I need a book for him. Please make it and then, Hoover!

At that place's so much I nonetheless want to say about Perchance Someday, simply it would be spoilers. So I recall I'm going to put some more than thoughts down below. So this is your warning, read at your own risk.:)

Needless to say, I loved this book. Hoover is one of my favourite authors. She never disappoints. And I'd love to discuss this book more. And so if you lot've read it feel costless to tweet me and we'll go a discussion going.

Happy reading!



*highlight text below to read spoilers**

 So when nosotros find out Ridge is deaf it was a full :O moment. And I had this idea that no, Hoover ameliorate not spiral this upwardly. I should know never to incertitude her. In that location is no manner that this volume would have been anywhere as fantastic as it was if Ridge could hear. Ridge was such an independent person. And in no mode did Hoover ever show his "disability" every bit a handicap. Information technology was the full reverse. And I don' think this book would have hit as hard emotionally or as deeply with me if he could hear. And as well just the way he sees and feels music was inspiring.

I also really loved Maggie. The shit life has thrown at her is terrible. But in no style did that slow her down. She had such a positive, alive life to the fullest attitude. Such a potent and independent girl. It was obvious she took care of herself. She didn't demand saving. I know Ridge merely wanted to protect her from the globe, merely she didn't need it. She could rule the world if she wanted to.

The merely little bit that I felt could have had a little more than depth to it was the whole Ridge/Maggie break-upwards. I felt that the talk was a chip of a cop out and so that the Ridge/Sydney relationship could take-off. There should have been more fight in that conversation. Non necessarily yelling, but fight on Ridge'south function. He kind of merely took everything Maggie said as true. And it was all truthful. But he cried and now on to Sydney. Don't get me wrong, I wanted Sydney and Ridge to assemble(and I wish we had more than of their human relationship). But he was trying to be Maggie's protector for five years and after one chat he just took information technology as that; Maggie didn't need him. There should have been more to their ending. Maggie was right on why they can't piece of work and aren't good for each other. There just should have been more to say.


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