Sonic Oc Rpg Maker Games One Piece Luffy and Shanks Meet Again


          Ahoy matey's welcome to my gaming retrospective of ii forgotten titles of anime/manga Titan One Piece!.  Spanning over ten years One Piece has had information technology'due south fingers in all kinds of media pies. Movies, toys, apparel, energy drinks and yep video games!.        
          There was a point when over in the western world we were given One Piece but unfortunately 4Kids were the providers!. A dodgy dub & even stranger censorship choices (sanji who smokes now constantly eats lollipops and every sword happens to be rubber) saw that One Slice didn't do to well over our shores.        
          For the die hard fans they stuck with the fan sub and in the contempo couple of years we have seen somewhat of a resurgence of One Piece with release of anime box sets and even games.  Most notable ones are the Pirate Warrior series. Using the Musou layout and engine both sold considerably well and have a large fan base of operations.        
          Unlimited Cruise 1 & 2 too released over hither but with non as much honey, myself personally didn't like the series either.  But what other games could you be playing featuring our favourite pirate crew?. Here are two fine examples of overlooked games which are fantastic not only for anime related games just games in full general!        
                                    One Piece - GAMEBOY Advance                              

           Made for the U.s.a. audience by DIMPS (Sonic Advance series) and released effectually the superlative of popularity for One Slice by 4KIDS. Players control loveable pirate Monkey D Luffy on his quest to become the Pirate King.        

          The game follows the story from the get-go at the East Blue Arc (starting with Alvida often left out) and finishes up at the Loguetown town arc.   Luffy is the but playable graphic symbol throughout the game but the other members of his crew (Zoro, Nami, Sanji & Ussop) appear as summons.        

          It'due south a fantastic little 2D Platformer along the lines of Dragon Brawl Advance, instantly playable offers quite a claiming and the bosses are fun to fight.   Each boss has a different tactic to it making the Arlong fight unlike to that of the Smoker fight.        
          What most impresses me is the attention to characters with mini bosses for forgotten characters similar Helmepoppo and Jango!.        
          Four been through this game personally a few times and I dearest it everytime, setting a high score and seeing it on Luffy's wanted poster always pleases me.        
          The but downside is that it never got a sequel in any form!. I can just imagine what the levels based in the K Line would of been like.        
          Plus information technology would of been great to come across all the Strawhats adjacent. I empathise at the time they didn't want to pass where the viewers would exist only I think now would be a skillful time for a 2.5D game from East Blue to Marineford!.          I can only wish!        
                                    I PIECE GIGANT BATTLE - NINTENDO DS                    

          Jumping forward a few years and we have the DS championship GIGANT Boxing.        
          Based over the Sabaody Arc to the Marineford Arc (there are bits here and there from other arcs e.yard characters and items).        
          Featuring 1 of the largest playable cast you'll meet with characters from every faction from The Straw Hats to The Marines to The Shichibukai and even Whitebeard himself!.        
          Along side them you have a huge selection of support characters and further more than fifty-fifty pocket-size characters in the background of stages effecting gameplay e.k Franky Family and Minotaurus.        

          With pick up and play gameplay along the lines of Powerstone or Super Boom Brothers. It's easy enough to pick upwards exercise a couple of missions and put downwards.   Colourful settings truthful to the vision of One Piece and fairly decent writing beings this tight bundle together nicely.        
          This game performed that well it even saw a European release long afterward OP had died and thus kick started a relationship between Europe and One Piece once once more.        
          There is a sequel to this merely unfortunately it never left japan. This perhaps down to them wanting to push Pirate Warriors or they felt information technology was too late in the DS's life wheel and chose to work on Unlimited Cruise instead but that is purely guess work.        

          Similar the original it's still highly playable, very addictive and has a wealth of content for yous and your Nakama to trove over!. It's easy enough to play on Japanese and there are enough of people on forums and walkthroughs which should run into you through this wonderful title.  These are just ii examples of One Slice titles I have played and enjoyed immensely.        
          Having recently finished the story of I Piece: Pirate Warriors 2 it feels skillful to wait back at previous overlooked titles.        
          The futurity of One Piece looks bright with the anime being released by Funimation over here on DVD & newest release the 3DS RPG Romance Dawn releasing in November in Europe.        

          Plus in Nippon they have Unlimited Cruise Red which looks like One Piece crossed with Monster Hunter so I am holding my breath for that ane!.        

          As a departing souvenir for you lot budding pirates before you fix off to the Grand Line to find the 1 Piece here are a few Honourable and Dishonourable mentions Ane Piece style!        
                                    The Whitebeard!:  Jump Ultimate Stars - Nintendo DS                              

          Not strictly a One Slice game but a Jump! Blast Brothers manner game with all your favourite jump anime characters. Luffy vs Goku vs Naruto with Ultimate Musculus characters interfering? It's all possible here!.  It didn't release over seas just at that place is a translation patch on the net well worth playing!.

          There is a wealth of full general anime related goodness and more than plenty nods to I Slice (a motion turns Luffy into Afro Luffy!) one of the best games y'all tin can play on DS!                  
                                    The Blackbeard!  One Piece:Gear Spirit - Nintendo DS                    

          Hot on the heels of the success of the Bleach fighting games on DS we have 1 Piece's respond to them!.        
                      Using a 3D looking engine you are given a clunky looking game with clunky controls. Unresponsive moves and balancing issues (I understand in fairness but Luffy and Chopper shouldn't be equals in strength) cause this to exist one of the weaker titles.  Information technology lacks content and the story mode is near plenty a none starter.

          The only redeeming factor to this is that it'southward the only OP game iv played where Shanks was playable. Pity I had to suffer this game for that experience!.        
          There you have it my Nakama till next time I'll encounter you lot on the Ol' briny!  We are! we are! We are on a cruise!        

           P.S as mentioned Romance Dawn releases in Europe November time. I'll be reviewing information technology unfortunately I doubtfulness Namco-Bandai will be sending me a promo then it will be a week or and so after release        
                      Equally always yous can contact me here on the blog, on twitter @andicpunx or email          


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