Peggy Carter Meets Captain America Again

Chris Evans And Hayley Atwell In Avengers: Endgame

This commodity contains spoilers for Avengers: Endgame and Loki .

Marvel created a perfect, 'happily ever later' ending for Steve Rogers and Peggy Carter as Avengers: Endgame wrapped upwardly its story, but the writers and the directors of the film have never agreed upon the particulars of it. That ending, where Steve traveled back in time to reunite with his WWII sweetheart and only popped up again later the Blip to hand his iconic Captain America shield to Sam Wilson, certainly got fans asking a lot of fourth dimension travel-related questions, like "how? "what?" and also "how?"

Endgame directors the Russo brothers attempted to address how Steve managed to make his dreams come up true in the wake of the blockbuster's release by proverb that "he would have been in a branch reality and so had to have shifted over to this, and so jumped from 1 to the other and handed the shield off" while writers Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely rejected the notion, stating "there is only a flow in world history from about '48 to now where in that location are two Steve Rogers" with 1 of them frozen in ice for a large chunk of that time.

Then Curiosity's Loki came along this year and added fuel to the fire past introducing the bureaucratic Time Variance Say-so. The organization'due south purpose was to prune the MCU'southward branch timelines, so it stands to reason that if the Russos were in the correct, Steve and Peggy would have been erased past the TVA shortly after their eye-warming buss in the final moments of Endgame . Loki even teased that very possibility at one signal by having a Peggy Carter Variant apprehended in the groundwork of a scene when the series got underway.

But Old Cap'south appearance at the cease of Avengers: Endgame has ever lent more credence to Markus and McFeely's assurance that no branch reality or timeline occurred and, interestingly, Loki as well adds context to this possibility by having the TVA tell the God of Mischief that everything the Avengers did during their time heist fiasco was supposed to happen in the 'Sacred Timeline'.

Black Widow fifty-fifty went on to hint that the writers were on the money by occasionally referencing a behind the scenes Cold War rivalry between David Harbour's Ruddy Guardian and Old Cap during the 1980s!

To analyze some timeline bug, The Directly asked Loki helmer Kate Herron what she made of the increasingly convoluted situation between Steve and Peggy, and her answer will have you lot wondering whether every Nexus upshot needs to be dealt with by the TVA, or whether some are just kind of okay to let slide.

"So! I've been thinking about this," she said. "I'k just like [so excited]… People are going to be bellyaching because information technology's non a definitive answer, but also I can only really answer as a fan, correct? My theory is this: It comes downwardly to if you're an optimist or a pessimist. If you're an optimist, maybe information technology was okay [for Steve and Peggy] to exist living that way, and the branch wasn't so severe that it didn't need to be pruned, and that meant that they could stay together. Maybe the romantics can say somehow that managed to exist. And so the pessimists [think], 'They probably got pruned (laughs).'"

Richard Due east. Grant'southward Classic Loki Variant living by his run-in with Thanos for a long time before the TVA caught upward with him certainly has u.s.a. thinking about this, and though Herron didn't provide a definitive answer, she remains open to both options.

"Information technology depends on how people fall on that side of things, because in my head I gauge it would exist… by and large branches take to be pruned and then maintained, correct? But it depends. Like if it'southward alternate, it would imply that it'southward running alongside our primary timeline, so yeah. I don't want to definitively say that they were pruned, just by our logic in the TVA, probably. Just mayhap where there's a will there's a way, and they weren't besides confusing and managed to live happily e'er subsequently."

However, there is another potential reply to the equation. We know that the TVA exist outside of time equally nosotros know it and, at the end of fourth dimension, Loki and Sylvie set in motion a concatenation of events that reignite the multiverse, creating space branch timelines throughout history. Peradventure everyone adding to the Endgame soapbox is right?

The headache continues.


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