Popularity isn't always a sign of a smooth-operation internet phone service. Take Google Vocalization for instance. It'southward one of the nigh well-known options on the market, and yet users often study multiple bug per month. 😬 If you lot rely on the platform to manage all your business phone calls and text letters, Google Vocalism not working can reflect poorly on your brand.

Equally a professional or a small business possessor, y'all need to be aware of all the roadblocks you may confront (and if they tin can even exist solved) before you lot cull your phone service. While you may be drawn in by how Google Voice works free for individuals, the service could end up costing you if it creates poor client experiences and inefficiencies within your team.

So what Google Vocalisation issues practice users confront? And since Google doesn't even offer customer support, how can you address them? We'll help you lot troubleshoot nine common issues on the app, then explain how switching to a Google Voice alternative like OpenPhone can be a one-pace remedy for all your GV woes.

9 Common Google Vocalisation Issues

Google Voice doesn't have a flawless track tape when information technology comes to VoIP calls — far from it. Just entering "Google Voice not working" on a Google search brings up a number of complaints, questions, and articles most known (and sometimes unresolved) problems. If you're currently using Google Voice and are having issues with crucial business phone features, you're not the only one.

Google Voice not working: Screenshot of that query in Google search

Nosotros've identified 9 common issues with the net phone service below.

1. Unable to Access Google Voice Business relationship

At minimum, your Vocalism over Cyberspace Protocol (VoIP) service should be one you tin access. But if you're running into errors with Google Phonation, this could be an internet connection issue. Or, you lot may demand to go into your Google Play Shop or App Store to update to the latest version of the Vox app. You can as well run into issues if you are trying to have more than than one Google Voice number on your phone.

Otherwise, there is a pesky situation in which yous or your squad members may not be able to admission Voice through your Google accounts.

If you're using Google Voice for Google Workspace, admins actually need to assign each user a Google Vox license earlier assigning phone numbers (and each number can only be assigned once). When admins forget to turn on Google Vocalisation for each individual business relationship or accidentally re-assign a phone number, this could crusade bug that team members tin can't ready on their own.

Though information technology's a fairly easy fix — licenses and phone numbers can be managed through the "Users" section of the Google Admin console — getting started with Google Vocalism for business concern can be a huge hassle.

2. No Ringing for Incoming Calls

Google Voice not working (double): woman in a yellow television

Y'all've made it into Google Voice. And then, why aren't you actually getting alerted when you accept incoming calls or SMS messages? A long list of missed calls or voicemails is never a good sign for customer satisfaction.

Open up the app settings to see if you lot've toggled on "Practise non disturb" mode (and turn it back off if then).

Google Voice not working: Screenshot of do not disturb mode

If not, tap on the "Calls" section of your settings to encounter if you've accidentally turned off call answering on the web, Android device, or iPhone.

Google Voice not working: Screenshot of turned off call answering on the web

But even if all your settings are perfect on the browser, Google Voice will still instantly mute audio later you stop interacting with the platform for a while — fifty-fifty if you're just on the next tab over! The just fix is to bound dorsum on the tab and click around for around 10 seconds.

Google Vox won't reliably work in the background. On busy workdays, when y'all're completely focused on tasks exterior your business organisation telephone app, you may forget to tap into the platform and end up missing a slew of calls.

iii. Can't Make International Calls

Got a global squad or international clientele? Yous need an net telephone service that lets yous seamlessly make international calls. 🌎 With Google Voice, there are a few bug y'all tin come across.

First, gratuitous accounts cannot make any calls or texts outside of the U.Due south. While you tin can purchase calling credits (non possible via the app for iPhone users), you lot're only allowed to take $70 max in your account.

If you update to Vocalization for Google Workspace, y'all may pay equally much as $20 per user per calendar month and still merely be able to send texts within the U.Southward. That'due south on pinnacle of the other texting limits for Google Vocalization.

Google Vocalism too states that users may have issues with international calls on their phone if another app conflicts with the service. However, it doesn't specify what apps can cause these issues, so it'll accept some trial and error to effigy out which app is at fault — if another app is even the issue. You may also need to try restarting the Google Voice app in example it's merely a glitch.

four. Major Sound Quality Bug With Google Vocalization

When you're choosing your VoIP service, quality is fundamental. Unfortunately, Google Voice doesn't take a reputation for great sound quality. A slew of users report sounding muffled or distorted on calls — which is definitely bad for business organization. After repeating "your sound is breaking upwards" for the hundredth time, your clients may really interruption upward with your make for good. 💔

Assuming that you're not facing whatever Wi-Fi or mobile data issues of your own, this is a Google Voice trouble that users alone can't set up. But with no customer back up for costless users, getting help may non exist as possible as you'd hope. With no one to ask, it's hard to say if what you're experiencing is an internet connexion issue, a platform upshot, or something else.

v. Google Voice Loading Slow on Browser

Google Voice not working (double): GIF of old Rose from Titanic

Ane perk of Google Vocalism is the ability to access your telephone from any computer or mobile device. The problem is, users report issues when accessing the platform via a browser on voice.google.com.

"For the last month or so, the Google Voice website acts similar I'm on dialup. Fifty-fifty when I type text messages, the characters take ane-two seconds to echo to the screen." ( Reddit inquiry )

"Very deadening to load into the browser." ( Review on GetApp )

There are a few potential causes that you can bank check:

  • Poor internet connection
  • Incompatible browser (must use Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari, or Mozilla Firefox)
  • Browser non updated

You can also try a reboot if yous experience Google Vox not working on your browser, or double check Google Phonation's organization and browser requirements. Notwithstanding, if none of these are at fault and slow loading is a consistent issue, there's unfortunately non much that can be done on your part. Switching to a Google Vocalization alternative similar OpenPhone may exist your best bet.

half-dozen. Google Voice Number Disappeared

GIF of Mrs. Maisel from Marvelous Mrs. Maisel

We admit, this issue may sound a little weird. But information technology'due south truthful: These days, even your Google Voice number can ghost you. 👻

There are more ways this tin happen than y'all think. It makes sense for VoIP services to revoke admission if yous neglect to pay, only Google volition even accept dorsum your phone number in the following instances:

  • You don't make a call, send a text, mind to your voicemail, or open up the Voice app on an Apple or Android phone in six months. Y'all'll just accept 45 days to reclaim the number before it's gone for good.
  • You port in a number simply don't pay a $xx fee to continue your Google-provided number as a secondary number inside ninety days.

For business owners, the risk of losing a phone number is never ideal, even if information technology's easily avoidable. This issue is pretty much unheard of with most legitimate paid internet phone services.

7. Can't Port Phone Number

Google Voice states that it's able to port phone numbers, but users may actually run into a number of porting issues on the platform. For example, Voice does not support porting for Canadian or price-gratuitous numbers. And you'll become stuck if you don't pay a $20 porting fee per number. The process doesn't make it easy either, as users report:

"Porting a number is super difficult, there is zippo customer support." ( Review from G2 )

"Shifting numbers you are already using was not very convenient for me." ( Review from GetApp )

A smoothen transition of all your business phone numbers into Google Vocalization isn't possible for every company, even when it should be.

viii. Non Receiving Voicemail Transcriptions

Google Voice not working: GIF of Terrence Howard from Empire

If y'all're not getting voicemail transcriptions, you lot wouldn't be the first. Some users study issues with both delivery and transcription quality. There could be a few reasons for this:

  • Y'all turned off "Become voicemail via email" in your settings.
  • You lot're looking for voicemail transcriptions via text (the Voice app permanently disabled this feature).
  • Your caller's sound quality was poor, and Google couldn't decipher the message.

Even if your consequence is resolved, proceed in mind that Google Voice is nonetheless pretty limited when information technology comes to options for receiving voicemail transcriptions. Google Voice alternatives like OpenPhone support more integrations, allowing you to get transcripts on more convenient channels.

nine. Unable to Make Vocalism Calls on Hangouts

Did yous choose Google Vox as your business phone service due to its integration with Hangouts? Google has bad news for you.

Offset, Hangouts will exist going to the growing Google Graveyard this year (RIP). ⚰️ 2nd, some users are already unable to make Google Voice calls via Hangouts. This is a known consequence that will not exist fixed.

Using Google Vocalism ways you'll have to switch between two unlike platforms to bulletin your squad and manage telephone calls. Or, if y'all want to use Google Vocalisation for both your team and client communications, things might get a picayune messy. The platform doesn't offer a swell manner to organize your inbox or contacts — largely because the Google Voice app wasn't originally congenital for business employ.

A Google Phonation alternative that'south created with business concern needs in mind (like OpenPhone) tin can help you achieve much smoother advice management.

Google Voice Not Working for You? Switch to OpenPhone

Screenshots of the OpenPhone mobile and desktop apps

Despite its popularity, Google Voice is riddled with issues that business owners can't afford to deal with. Google Vox non working at a critical fourth dimension — for case, during a telephone call — can atomic number 82 to your brand losing a sale and losing trust.

Luckily, Google Voice isn't the only VoIP service around. In fact, VoIP providers like OpenPhone are specifically built for business organization employ, which means you won't merely eliminate Google Vocalization issues. Y'all'll likewise get a number of features that Google's telephone app can't provide.

Here'due south how switching to OpenPhone can aid you lot overcome Google Vox's ix major issues for businesses.

one. Like shooting fish in a barrel Setup and Admission

Though Google Voice admission issues can exist pretty easily fixed, the VoIP service leaves your team members far too susceptible to lost or delayed access. Plus, setting upwardly Voice for Google Workspace isn't exactly intuitive. Having to assign licenses before telephone numbers is an unnecessary pace — one that OpenPhone eliminates.

With OpenPhone, adding a team member is piece of cake. Just invite squad members via email, assign a number, and they can have! Unless you purposely caput to the members section of your settings to remove squad members, your employees will never get booted for something every bit piffling as lack of licensing when they already have an account.

Plus, since users can share phone numbers, in that location's no risk of locking users out of their accounts when you lot double-assign a number. 🤩

2. Rings on Every Incoming Phone call (When You lot Want Them)

put a ring on it GIF of Beyonce

As much as we'd love for you to, we know you're non going to actively employ OpenPhone (or any VoIP app) every second. If you're not on a sales or client support squad, yous may not leap on your business organisation telephone app at all unless you lot get a phone call or text. And OpenPhone won't force you lot to.

OpenPhone won't stop alerting you almost incoming calls just considering you're not clicking around the platform, and then you'll never have to suspension focus merely to interact and avoid missing calls.

If yous choose OpenPhone, we really will put a ring on information technology. 💍

Of course, you tin ever set business hours to avoid getting calls at the wrong times. Just let us know when y'all're actually working, and we promise not to wake you lot in the center of your sweet dreams.

3. Seamless International Calls

OpenPhone offers costless, unlimited calls, SMS, and MMS in the U.South. and Canada with all plans, starting at but $10 per user per calendar month. ✨ Information technology's affordable, and all users can brand international calls at very low rates.

What'south more, y'all can get a U.S. number (or Canadian number) even if you're living away and avoid paying international calling fees.

4. Crystal-Articulate Audio Quality

Unlike Google Vocalism, which lets down users when it comes to sound quality, OpenPhone offers top-notch audio for both incoming and outgoing calls. Take it from our users:

"The call quality is terrific and the features offered are awesome as well. Also, over the last twelvemonth, they have continued to make improvements that only make the app meliorate." ( Review on G2 )

"The design is make clean and the call quality is impressive. Would recommend. 👌" ( Review on Production Chase )

"I likewise experience loftier call quality using OpenPhone versus the contest." ( Review on G2 )

If you do run into bug, you tin run through OpenPhone'due south transparent VoIP troubleshooting guide or contact the support team directly.

five. Fast-Loading Spider web App

Quicksilver Speeding GIF from X-Men

If you're using Google Voice because of its cross-platform compatibility, the good news is, you can however get this perk when you switch to OpenPhone — simply you won't accept new wrinkles by the time the platform's done loading on your browser. 👴 With a solid uptime record for the website (along with all iOS, Android, and spider web apps), OpenPhone is a service y'all can rely on, and one that offers support if you do meet issues.

6. Phone Numbers You Won't Lose

"I lost my number. Tin can I accept yours?" is a cheesy pickup line at best and a 18-carat question afterwards a nightmarish Google Voice state of affairs at worst. Your business organisation phone service should never cancel your phone number simply because you're non using information technology — fifty-fifty with detect.

At OpenPhone, we know a consistent phone number is crucial for a good customer experience, and to avoid updating all your online business concern pages at once. We won't retract your business organisation number unless you purposely delete it from your account (or cancel your subscription). And to make certain yous don't practice so on accident, we've even labeled this part of your settings the "Danger Zone" and require yous to physically type "delete" before your number goes away. ⚠

7. Simple and Gratis Porting Procedure

When Google Voice (or some other internet telephone service, for that matter) isn't working out, nosotros desire to make all your worries go away. 💆 That's why we brand porting your telephone number to OpenPhone equally easy as possible.

If yous want to port your number from Google Phonation, for example, all you need to do is:

  • Create an OpenPhone account.
  • Unlock your Google Voice number. (Note: Google charges a one-fourth dimension $3 fee to transfer your number abroad from Google Voice.)
  • Submit this ane-minute porting request form.

Switching from most other VoIP services is even simpler and only requires two steps: creating your OpenPhone business relationship and filling out the form.

OpenPhone won't charge you whatever porting fees. And to give you something else to celebrate, OpenPhone supports Canadian and toll-free numbers, too. 🥳

eight. Reliable Voicemail Transcriptions

Screenshot of an OpenPhone voicemail transcription

Your team members aren't ever in a place where they can take business concern calls. But fifty-fifty in the middle of a loud music festival, a voicemail transcription can assistance them make up one's mind the urgency of a call or remind them to call back later.

Missing voicemail transcriptions can lead to unhappy clients and missed opportunities.

Luckily, it'south not an issue with OpenPhone. Once you're on your OpenPhone Admin Dashboard, it only takes a minute to go voicemail transcripts (and the voicemail audio) via Gmail, other email providers, and even Slack. All users get voicemail transcriptions texted to them through the OpenPhone app.

Plus, since OpenPhone offers pristine sound quality, you may even get more than reliable and accurate transcripts than on Google Voice.

9. Effective Team Communication Tools

Screenshot of OpenPhone team communication

With Google Voice not working on Hangouts, you may be seeking out a platform that allows yous to streamline your team and client communication — and do so well. Wait no further than OpenPhone.

OpenPhone is congenital with a dedicated section for all your team members. Y'all can easily keep rails of your internal communications and reach out to the right person fast. Simply tap their names to start conversations and interact! 🙌

Plus, y'all tin can organize your business contacts based on everything from company to office, then you can hands search for clients when it's time to accomplish out. Using OpenPhone is a lot less hectic than Google Voice. While Google Voice spreads your calls, text messages, and voicemail across iii unlike inboxes, OpenPhone uses one unified inbox.

If you practice desire a dedicated squad messaging platform, feel free to apply Slack. OpenPhone allows yous to run into voicemails, texts, and missed calls on the platform when you integrate your account with Slack, and then you'll still get a fairly streamlined experience.

Want even more peace of listen? Instead of sending popular features to a graveyard like Google does every unmarried yr, OpenPhone is constantly adding new features to help you improve your internal and external advice — many of which are suggested by business owners like you!

A Foolproof Gear up for Google Voice Not Working: Making a Switch

Screenshot of the call screen in the OpenPhone app

Google Vocalization not working tin be a costly effect if you're using it every bit your business telephone. When seeking a VoIP service for professional utilize, using a platform that's congenital for reliable team and customer communication tin help you stay organized and efficient, without any downtime.

OpenPhone fits the bill. With international call capabilities, excellent sound quality, and more must-have features, OpenPhone tin can brand your team manage calls and texts ameliorate than ever. And yous won't have to spend extra merely to port phone numbers when you brand the switch.

Desire to test out the platform before you lot commit? Start your gratuitous trial of OpenPhone today.


Why doesn't Google Voice work on Hangouts/Google Meet anymore?

A recent update to the Google Run into (formerly Hangouts) app removed support for third-party backups, which means your Google Voice messages and telephone calls won't sync upward with your Hangouts app anymore.

Why is my Google Voice not ringing?

Showtime, check the "Do not disturb" toggle in your Google Vocalization settings. Side by side, confirm that the "Calls" section of your settings has all phone options turned on. Tap around within the "Calls" section for x seconds to make certain everything is working properly. Finally, confirm you are signed into Google Voice brand sure that the "Calls" department has all phone options turned on by toggling each option. Tap around within the "Calls" section for 10 seconds to make sure everything is working properly.

Why can't I brand international calls using Google Voice?

In order to brand international phone calls, yous have to have a Google Vocalism number with the required plan. The basic free Google Vocalisation account can only text and call domestically. In-person calls and texts are no problem, merely international calling features require an upgraded subscription for at to the lowest degree $16/month per user. The other selection is the more expensive Google Phonation for G Suite (which also means making Android apps) which doesn't mention annihilation about international options without additional purchases.